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♥♥♥ Marshall’s Story ♥♥♥

Marshall the Samoyed attracts attention wherever he goes. From his thick, white, fluffy coat to his big Sammy smile to his willingness to befriend everyone he meets Marshall is a real showstopper. That’s Marshall today, but his story really begins two years ago when he brought together a group of people who would be forever joined by their love of a dog they all saved.

In June, 2022, dog rescuer Jeanette Suding saw a post about a dog trapped and crying in a ravine in a rural area. Lots of people commented, but no one stepped up to help him, so when Jeanette left work, she was on a mission to find and save him. When she reached the location, a viaduct with a creek below, she called the dog for an hour before she heard a tiny bark and then high-pitched painful crying. She threw food to lure him up the hill, but he just kept crying, turning in circles and trying to bite his back. Jeanette knew she couldn’t leave him, so she climbed down the steep rocky hill in her work clothes to find a dog so matted with feces and urine he could hardly walk. He was very relieved to see her. No one knows how long he had been abandoned there or whether he had fallen or been thrown down that hill.

Jeanette managed to bring the dog up the hill to safety and met the Sullivan police at Animal Control.  From there Moultrie County Illinois PAWS rescue stepped in and immediately had him treated by Kaskaskia Valley Animal Hospital. Dubbed “Marshall” now he was so dirty and matted that urine was burning his skin. Most of his coat had to be shaved so he could be treated for the infection, but he never lost his smile. Humans may have failed him before, but throughout his ordeal he held no grudge.


Marshall’s journey to his new life soon crossed state lines. Moultrie County Illinois PAWS contacted a St. Louis foster-based rescue to see if they could help. Sandy Michael of American Eskimo Rescue of St. Louis (AERSTL) agreed to take Marshall as soon as he was stable, so within a week he was on his way to Missouri.

Under the care of American Eskimo Rescue of St. Louis Marshall received excellent treatment from veterinary specialists. A veterinary ophthalmologist examined Marshall and found he had only limited vision in his right eye and that his mal-formed left eye had to be removed.  As if that weren’t enough, Marshall continued to walk in circles most of the time. An MRI revealed the cause. He has hydrocephalus, a condition that occurs when cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the skull, causing the brain to swell and put pressure on it. His neurologist Dr. Jeremy Shomper put Marshall on medications which prevent seizures. He is intent on giving Marshall the best quality of life.

Jeanette and Carol stay in touch, sharing photos and Marshall stories. Those early photos are painful to look at, but the more recent ones show a handsome, confident, well-loved dog. Jeanette Suding saved Marshall’s life, Sandy Michael took him into rescue, and Carol and Tim make sure Marshall is loved every day. He will never again be hungry, thirsty, or neglected. He will never be abandoned.

Marshall’s transformation from a dog left in a ravine to a joyful companion has captured the hearts of everyone who knows him or hears his story.  When Carol looks at his smiling face she is reminded of the dozens of human angels whose kindness and compassion gave him this second chance. Marshall is living his best life every day because of his unfailing spirit and trust in humans. He has touched the lives of his rescuers and brought out the best in all of us who saved, healed and love him.


Foster Families Needed!

Foster Families Needed!  If you would like to help homeless American Eskimos (and some mixes), please consider fostering. Regular fosters are needed as well as medical fosters. A regular foster can last from three weeks to six weeks. A medical foster is about a two-week commitment and may need to quarantine a dog until he/she is over their illness (such as kennel cough). A foster application can be found at  Food and medical costs are covered.  Foster families should be able to give daily medications and may need to make follow-up visits to the vet’s office. If you are able to help, please call 314-647-1112 or Email for further information. Thank you for your consideration of this very important need.



Would you like to foster American Eskimo dogs? Please read on.

You might say:

“I can’t foster, I will get too attached.”

“I would keep every dog I fostered!”

“It would be too sad to see the foster dog leave.”


Due to overcrowding at shelters and many requests to help save homeless dogs, we are in desperate need of foster homes. If you can foster, here’s how you help:

1. When you foster, you will give a homeless dog another chance at life — you will save an Eskie’s life. AER does not have a building and we work out of our homes, so foster families are needed to house the Eskies.

2. A foster family is a “vessel” for the Eskies until they are adopted to their forever homes. Foster families play a major role in bringing the Eskie from a dangerous situation to foster care, and finally to his or her new home.

3. You will receive gratification knowing you saved a dog’s life, and that you played a critical role in helping place a homeless dog in his or her forever home! If we don’t have a place to house them, we can’t save them.

4. You will help a family adopt a new family member – families are so happy when they adopt their new dog. You, the foster family, helped place that dog in his or her new home. What a sense of accomplishment and a significant contribution to the community – that you helped take care of and place a homeless dog.

5. Volunteering is a community project. Get the entire family involved. Children love to help take care of pets. Working with American Eskimo Rescue counts as volunteer hours too!

6. Eskie Rescue pays for all of the necessary medical work. The foster family helps transport the dog to adoption day events and vet visits. You treat the dog as if it were your own. If you wish, we can also help pay for dog food.

7. We would love to have your involvement as a foster family. Help us achieve the AER mission: To save the lives of unwanted American Eskimo dogs and place them in loving homes. Eskies know when they have been saved – your foster dog will be so thankful to you and so will we.
A foster home application is available for you to fill out.

Proper Dog Care

Proper Dog Care

Many of the reasons we at AER have to rescue dogs are because he/she was the victim of improper care or treatment. Anything from total neglect, abandonment, or abuse to simply an owner giving up a dog because it was sick and just needed proper medical care. In some cases the owners just needed ‘education’ on proper dog health care. A lot of hard work and love have to be given to a dog that has had improper care.
Owning a pet is perhaps one among the biggest blessings for people at any age. Owners of these pets sometimes treat these creatures as best friends. They can be a food companion, rest companion, or play companion. These pets can also make you feel comfortable during your life’s hardest time. Indeed, pets are gifts to humans.

Dogs are among the choicest of pets of the people. The owners need to learn how to care for their dogs so their pets can be the cleanest, healthiest, and the greatest dogs in the entire world. However, if you want to own a dog you need to be concerned about the dog’s health at all times.

You can maintain dog health through proper dog care. It is very important to your dog. By doing the proper health care you will be able to make your dog strong and healthy. The reason why some dogs are neglected is because of selfishness of some dog owners. Only a little time is spent to caring for dogs. If dog owners do not give some of their time, energy, affection and healthy dog habits, the result is unhealthy dogs which are prone to allergies and malnutrition.

It is very important for you to feed your dog with healthy foods. Never overfeed your dogs. Overfeeding leads to indigestion and overweight. It is never easy for a dog that has indigestion. You will need to bring them to a veterinarian to relieve it. Feed your dog with enough food and always on time. Never feed your dog your ‘table scraps’. This is very unhealthy for your dog as they are not designed to eat many foods you eat. Carefully prepared natural foods for your dog can be a great asset, but you must first totally educate yourself to have your dog eating ‘human’ foods.

Proper hygiene care is also important to improve your dog’s health. You do not have to take him/her to bathing everyday. Use shampoo for dogs as it contains the right pH level for your dogs. Human shampoo can cause some serious problems like excessive hair fall or allergic reaction. If your dogs have fleas, treat them by using and flea shampoo. Some are not effective so you should choose the ones with the trustworthy name.

Have your dog checked for Heartworm once a year by your vet. Aside from checking for any visible signs of problems with the dog, the person can do better by bringing the pet in for the regular examinations with the vet. Shots and other cleaning can be done once a year or every three years depending on the strength of the drug.

Owning a dog is a big responsibility. The best way to make sure this pet will live for many years will be to provide some preventive health care. The person can read up or learn some things from the vet which will surely be useful. Never underestimate the importance of dog health.



This year has been terrible for rescue dogs coming in with kennel cough. AERSTL is in need of foster homes without any pets to take care of a dog with kennel cough for about 2 to 3 weeks. Medication would need to be given. Most of the time, the dogs do not feel well but once they begin taking medications they soon get better. If you can help in this way, please call 314-647-1112. Rescue dogs with kennel cough must be isolated from other pets so this would really help. Thank you very much if you can help.

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Our Mission

Our Mission:

To rescue American Eskimo dogs in life-threatening
situations and place them in loving homes.

Welcome to American Eskimo Rescue (AER) of St. Louis.

We are a group of dedicated volunteers, working together for the benefit of helpless and homeless Eskies. Our program is funded by donations and adoption fees. Our volunteers spend endless hours of rescue work which involves transporting, fostering, and networking to save American Eskimo lives.

Adoption from American Eskimo Rescue includes medical attention that each rescue dog deserves, including all vaccinations, spay/neuter, fecal check, heartworm check, and microchip. These rescue Eskies are then placed in loving foster homes until their forever home is found.

Rescued animals often make the best pets. Pets from American Eskimo Rescue seem to understand they have a second lease on life. In return for a little affection and attention, these remarkable animals reward their new owners with a love and loyalty unmatched anywhere.

If you would like to adopt a lovable Eskie, please complete an Application for Adoption. If you would like to become a foster home, please complete a Foster Home Application. You can find these forms here online or call 314-647-1112.

The loving dog you will adopt will be spayed or neutered, all necessary vaccinations, checked for heartworm, and all medical conditions as necessary. Eskies 1 yr. and under will have an adoption fee of $250, all other adoption fees are $175.